Jopes to Seaton Beach
This walk is about four miles each way - if you don't want to walk both ways you could get a taxi back. There are plenty of refreshment breaks - the Copley Arms at Hessenford, and a pub and two cafes at Seaton. You can also get great pizzas in season at The Beach House.

You can just walk down the lane - but it's nicer to follow the track through Jopes, then veer left at the cattle grid - this takes you through the woods to the next bridge where you re-join the lane

When you get to the main road in Hessenford stop at the Copley for a drink. Then follow the road opposite to Seaton for about 100 yds and take this kissing gate which takes you into the woods.

The path is good for most of the year as there are board walks over the boggy bits - there are steps though.

The river is lovely, and the path takes you all the way down to Seaton.